While many consumers are looking forward to filing their income taxes in anticipation of getting a refund, many folks remain frustrated as the deadline approaches and they must make good on what they owe the IRS. Identity thieves aren’t concerned which category you fall into as they prepare to assume your identity and capitalize on the return you were expecting.
What is Identity Theft?
Identity theft happens whenever an identity thief ( a stranger or someone very close to you), uses your personal details, without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. With information such as your name, home address or workplace, Social Security or credit card numbers, fraudulent individuals can cause serious damages that can cost you both your time, reputation and money. Identity theft is the no.1 and fastest growing crime in America. In fact, you could already be a victim and not know it.
What do Identity thieves do with your information?
There are lots of things Identity thieves can do with your stolen information. Your information (like credit and debit numbers) can be used to make large purchases like sets of computers, tablets, televisions, etc. which will possibly be sold later. Identity thieves can make counterfeit checks and debit cards and use up your bank account or open a bank account in your name and write bad checks. These thieves can also file for bankruptcy with your name to skip paying the debts they have incurred and also use your details to avoid eviction.
Your details like your name, date of bills, SSN etc can be used to open a new credit account and any non-payment of bills is then reflected on your credit report. Identity thieves can use your information to get an auto loan with your name, establish phone on wireless service in your name. They can change the mailing address on your credit card account and keep charging your account. You will not know this for sometime as these bills will go to the new address.
You do not also want a situation where your name is given to the police by identity thieves, and on release when they do not show up at the court, an arrest warrant will be issued in your name which will land you in avoidable trouble this is why you should protect yourself from both online identity theft and offline identity theft.
- Do not share your personal information.
- Watch your credit score regularly.
- Avoid clicking on pop-up ads and never enter any personal information on the websites these ads lead to.
- Do not click on links in emails unless they are from a trusted sender.
- Guard your mailbox
You can protect you identity with LifeLock
. Lifelock offers enhanced identity theft protection 5 dimensions: monitoring your identity, scanning for identity threats, responding to identity theft on your behalf, a $1 million guarantee and tracking of your credit score. With Lifelock, you get an alert whenever they detect your personal information being used to apply for wireless services, retail credit, utilities, and mortgage loans. With the $1 million guarantee, If you become a victim of identity theft while you are a LifeLock member will spend up to $1 million to hire experts, lawyers, investigators, consultants and whoever else it takes to help your recovery. That makes it all easier for you right? Here is more reason to sign up with LifeLock now, take advantage of the 30-Day Free Trial + 15% Off from now to April 15. No promo code required, just sign up between now and April 15 and get a 30-Day Free Trial + 15% off regular price.
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