If you are looking to start up a website, for any reasons whatsoever, you have to consider web hosting and domain registration. For starters, web hosting is an Internet hosting service that allows you to make your website accessible to the world wide web (www) while a domain name is the web address of your website; the name by which Internet users can access your website, eg www.yourname.com.
Many people are put off with the prospect of starting up a website because of the cost associated with maintaining one. Many also loathe cheap or free web hosting services offered by some web hosting companies because they are not reliable and truly so. Most web hosting companies that offer free or cheap web hosting services have poor services, low bandwidth and disk space, and would fill up your site with their adverts which is ridiculous. They also take control of your website and will to yank it off whenever they like. This is why it is best to get a reliable and professional web hosting for your website.
In this post, am going to show you how to buy a professional web hosting and domain registration at an affordable price from GoDaddy - the world largest ICANN-accredited domain name registrar and web hosting company. GoDaddy is rated as one of the best web hosting company and domain registrar in the world and offers different web services such as web hosting, domain name registration and website builder for personal, business and e-commerce websites. Some of Godaddy features include: unlimited storage & bandwidth, 99.9% uptime guarantee, high tech security, free 24/7 technical support and Easy setup
How to buy cheap web hosting and domain registration with Godaddy
With a Godaddy promo code or Godaddy Coupon, you can buy Godaddy web hosting or register your domain name for rock bottom prices. With this codes, you can get as much as 80% discount on any Godaddy product. I believe you won't have any problem getting your domain name registered for as low as $2-$3/per year. If you cant afford that, then you are probably not ready to own a professional website. There are other incentives, you can pay for web hosting at 80% off regular price with godaddy promo code and get a free domain.Alternatively, if you can't afford a web hosting, you can get free blog from Blogger.com or Wordpress.com, buy a domain name and redirect the blogger web address to your domain name. All you have to pay for is the domain.
Now here is a step by step guide on how to buy your cheap web hosting and domain registration with Godaddy:
1. Head over to GoDaddy website
and search for your desired domain name and click on 'Add' if it is available (If it is not available, keep trying other names until you get one that is not taken yet).
2. Click on 'Continue to Checkout'
4. Select how many years you want to buy the domain name (it doesnt matter how many years you select as you will still get a total discount)
5. Look out for 'Do you have a promo, source code or referral code? Click here' by looking down the page. (see image below)
6. Now click on the link and insert a godaddy promo code (Get updated Godaddy promo codes at the end of this post)
7. Proceed to 'Checkout' and wait for a new window to open. Create your new account and you are done. Nice bargain right? You can use also use this tip to maximize profits if you are in the business of buying and selling domains.
How to buy cheap web hosting from GoDaddy
1. Head over to GoDaddy Website
, click on 'Get Website hosting'. Note: All godaddy webhosting plans comes with a free domain name registration.
2. Choose your plan (Economy, Deluxe or Ultimate) and click 'Add to Cart'.
3. A window opens for you to register your free domain name. You can skip it if you already have a domain name.
4. Select how many years you want to buy the domain name (it doesnt matter how many years you select as you will still get a total discount)
5. Look out for 'Do you have a promo, source code or referral code? Click here' by looking down the page. (see image below)
6. Now click on the link and insert a godaddy promo code (Get updated Godaddy coupon codes at the end of this post)
7. Proceed to 'Checkout' and wait for a new window to open. Create your new account and you are done. Nice bargain right? You can now build your website.
GoDaddy Promo code (Updated)
70% Off .COM Domains - Now only $3 ~ Coupon Code: CJCRMN3A (Expires 4/16/13)
50% Off .COM Domains + Free Private Registration ~ Coupon Code: CJCRMN5A (Expires 4/30/13)
87% Off Standard SSL Certificates - Now only $5.99 ~ Coupon Code: CJCRMN599S (Expires 4/30/13)
44% Off Website Hosting - Now only $1.99/mo ~ Coupon Code: CJCRMNHST (Expires 6/30/13)
20% Off Website Hosting ~ Coupon Code: CJCRMN20H (Expires 6/30/13)
40% Off .COM Domains - Now only $5.99 ~ Coupon Code: CJC599v (Expires 6/30/13)
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