It seems the trend lately is baby girls for celebs and now the royal family. According to a report from Daily Telegraph, The Prince and the Duchess may be expecting a baby girl. The Duchess may have accidentally spilled this info while chatting with a member of the public on a visit to Grimsby on Tuesday. Read the report below.
After being given a teddy bear as a gift, the Duchess said: “Thank you, I’ll take that for my d...” She stopped herself before going any further, but when a well-wisher asked if she was in the process of saying “daughter” she replied: “We’re not telling.”
The Duchess, who is due to give birth in July, also claimed not to know the sex of her baby, who will one day be monarch, but her comment will be seized upon by royal watchers the world over who are eager for any clues about whether she is expecting a boy or a girl. Precedent dictates that the sex of royal babies is never announced in advance.
The Duchess also said her baby had been kicking “very much” and joked to a fan that she might have to wait a long time before she is queen. On only her third day of official engagements this year, the Duchess visited the National Fishing Heritage Centre in the Lincolnshire port, where she went on a walkabout among the 2,000-strong crowd who had waited up to six hours in freezing fog for her arrival.[Telegraph]
Diana Burton, 41, handed the Duchess a white teddy bear, which the Duchess accepted with a smile.
Sandra Cook, 67, who was next to her in the crowd, said: “I distinctly heard her say 'thank you, I’ll take that for my d ...’ then she stopped herself. I said to her: 'You were going to say daughter weren’t you?’ and she said 'No, we don’t know’.
“I said 'Oh I think you do’, to which she said: 'We’re not telling’.”
Mrs Cook, who had been waiting three hours for the Duchess’s arrival, said: “It was worth every cold minute of the wait. She is just beautiful and so lovely and friendly.”
Bobbie Brown, a 42-year-old Sainsbury’s shop worker who was also in the crowd, said: “I asked her if the baby had been moving or kicking and she said 'Yes it is, very much so.’”
The well-wishers were kept waiting for 70 minutes longer than expected because the Duchess had opted to fly to Grimsby by helicopter rather than taking the train, and thick fog prevented her leaving London on time.
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